How to Use Dataset

This guide is a comprehensive resource designed to help NGOs effectively utilize community data in their initiatives. The dataset provides valuable insights and statistical analyses that can enhance policy advocacy, community engagement, and program development. For more information on different data types, see our additional resources.

Type of Datasets

Our platform regularly updates the dataset table to provide civic organizations with access to a wide variety of publicly available datasets. We strongly encourage data publishers to share their datasets in accessible, non-proprietary formats whenever possible.

If you notice any missing data or have specific data needs, please reach out to us.

Data File Type


CSV (Comma-Separated Values) is the most commonly used format for flat data. Our platform continuously updates the dataset table to ensure civic organizations have access to a broad range of datasets. We recommend that data publishers share their data in accessible, non-proprietary formats when possible.


JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is commonly used for hierarchical, tree-like data structures that may have multiple layers. For example:
{[{‘id’: 0, ‘type’: ‘bananas’, ‘quantity’: 12}, {‘id’: 1, ‘type’: ‘apples’, ‘quantity’: 7}]}
In JSON files, the Data tab preview will display an interactive tree, allowing you to explore the structure by expanding and collapsing sections. However, JSON files do not support column descriptions or metrics.


An API (Application Programming Interface) dataset is ideal for specialized analytics, such as statistical analysis and large-scale reporting. For more details on APIs and how to work with these datasets, refer to our API resources.


An XML (eXtensible Markup Language) dataset is structured as an XML document, including metadata like column names, types, and the dataset name. This format's standardized structure allows it to return data in a predictable format, making it useful for various applications.