City of Madison

City of Madison

Visit Offical Website

Access the City of Madison's official website for information on current issues, meeting agendas, and decisions.

Visit Offical Website

Access the City of Madison's official website for information on current issues, meeting agendas, and decisions.

Visit Offical Website

Access the City of Madison's official website for information on current issues, meeting agendas, and decisions.

Identify Relevant Committee

Find which committee, board, or material your issue pertains to. This will help you understand where and when to voice your concerns.

Identify Relevant Committee

Find which committee, board, or material your issue pertains to. This will help you understand where and when to voice your concerns.

Identify Relevant Committee

Find which committee, board, or material your issue pertains to. This will help you understand where and when to voice your concerns.

Attend Meetings

Participate in city council or committee meetings to voice your opinions. You can attend these meetings virtually or in person.

Attend Meetings

Participate in city council or committee meetings to voice your opinions. You can attend these meetings virtually or in person.

Attend Meetings

Participate in city council or committee meetings to voice your opinions. You can attend these meetings virtually or in person.

Speak at Meetings

Prepare to speak at city council or committee meetings. Your voice is important in shaping local decisions.

Speak at Meetings

Prepare to speak at city council or committee meetings. Your voice is important in shaping local decisions.

Speak at Meetings

Prepare to speak at city council or committee meetings. Your voice is important in shaping local decisions.

Submit Comments

Provide comments during public meetings or through online forms. Depending on the type of meeting, you can:

  • Send written comments on agenda items to

  • Register to answer questions.

  • Register in support of or opposition to an agenda item (without speaking).

Submit Comments

Provide comments during public meetings or through online forms. Depending on the type of meeting, you can:

  • Send written comments on agenda items to

  • Register to answer questions.

  • Register in support of or opposition to an agenda item (without speaking).

Submit Comments

Provide comments during public meetings or through online forms. Depending on the type of meeting, you can:

  • Send written comments on agenda items to

  • Register to answer questions.

  • Register in support of or opposition to an agenda item (without speaking).

Stay Informed

Regularly check the City of Madison's News and Updates section for the latest information on decisions and announcements.

  • Subscribe to email updates from the City of Madison by visiting the Common Council page and selecting the option to receive email notifications for meeting agendas and minutes.

  • Follow up with city officials who were present at the hearing. You can find contact information for your alder on the Common Council Members page.

Stay Informed

Regularly check the City of Madison's News and Updates section for the latest information on decisions and announcements.

  • Subscribe to email updates from the City of Madison by visiting the Common Council page and selecting the option to receive email notifications for meeting agendas and minutes.

  • Follow up with city officials who were present at the hearing. You can find contact information for your alder on the Common Council Members page.

Stay Informed

Regularly check the City of Madison's News and Updates section for the latest information on decisions and announcements.

  • Subscribe to email updates from the City of Madison by visiting the Common Council page and selecting the option to receive email notifications for meeting agendas and minutes.

  • Follow up with city officials who were present at the hearing. You can find contact information for your alder on the Common Council Members page.

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©2024 University of Wisconsin - Madison

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©2024 University of Wisconsin - Madison

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